Hamilton Academy

Hamilton Acedemy

Skills Audit

Skills Audit - January 2018 (ed. N Oliver)

Skills Audit June 2017

Skills Audit - financial


Governing Body Self Evaluation Framework (from GovernorZone)

A key question for all governing bodies is whether they make the best possible contribution to the effectiveness of their school for the benefit of all pupils.

This framework supports governing bodies in recognising their strengths and where they have made a difference, as well as identifying areas for development.  It will also help governors and school staff to check that governors are receiving the reports and information they need to carry out their strategic role.

 Structure of the Framework

The structure is linked to that of the Ofsted Framework (Revised Sept 2015) with sections on: the leadership in and management of the school; the behaviour and safety of pupils at the school; the achievement of pupils at the school; the quality of teaching at the school. There are two further sections on: governing body organisation; and development, recruitment and succession planning

The first four sections have a number of over-arching standards, which are supported by a series of criteria based on those in the Ofsted Framework and the Handbook for Inspectors.   Space is provided for governors to record their evidence of monitoring and impact against each criterion.  There are prompts and examples to support governors in their considerations.  At the end of each section there is a box for governing bodies to record any proposed actions that are identified from the self-evaluation process.

To assist governors in completing the document electronically, an MS Word version of the Framework, may be downloaded from the link below.

 Governing Body Self-Evaluation Framework (early 2018)

Governor Self-evaluation Action Plan May 2018

 Using the Framework

We recommend that the sections of the Framework are matched to committees or working groups/individuals and that completed sections and proposed actions are reported back to the governing body.  This will help all governors to gain an understanding of the governing body’s self-evaluation and collectively agree areas for development and for inclusion in the school improvement plan. Each section contains links to additional guidance or supporting documents in an appendix.