Hamilton Academy

Hamilton Acedemy

General Admissions and Appeals Information

Thank you for your interest in applying for a school place at Hamilton Academy. Please note the information below, and view the ‘Welcome to Hamilton Academy’ section of our homepage for an introduction to the school.


Early Years (Nursery and Reception) admissions for September 2025

Click here for more information specific to Nursery and Reception 2025 entry and how to apply


IN-YEAR admissions / transfers, Reception – Year 6

Click here for more information specific to joining midway through primary school and how to apply


Curriculum Year Groups for school year 2024-25



Date of Birth


10 -11

 September 2013 - August 2014


9 -10

 September 2014 - August 2015


8 - 9

 September 2015 – August 2016


7 - 8

 September 2016 – August 2017


6 - 7

 September 2017 – August 2018


5 - 6

 September 2018 – August 2019


4 - 5

 September 2019 - August 2020


Class sizes and oversubscription advice

The published admission number for each year group at Hamilton is 90 (Nursery is a separate admissions procedure and has a different admission number). Between Reception and Year 2, the government has set a maximum class size of 30 children to 1 qualified teacher and extra children are not admitted under normal circumstances. 

Allocations are made according to the in-year oversubscription criteria in Hamilton’s Admissions Policy on our Policies page. For a Supplementary Form to accompany applications under criterion 4 of Hamilton’s Admissions Policy, "Children with exceptional medical or social needs, supported by written evidence from a medical doctor, social worker, education welfare officer or other appropriate person" please contact the school office on 01494 522231.

If the relevant year group is fully subscribed an applicant’s details will be added to the school’s waiting list and ranked in order against the published admissions criteria. If your child is not offered a place you have the statutory right of appeal.


Statutory Right of Appeal

If you are a parent and you have applied for a school place for your child and the admission authority has refused your application, you have the right to make an admission appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel.

If you have made an unsuccessful application for a place at Hamilton and wish to make an appeal, please write via email (office@hamiltonacademy.org.uk) to: The Chairman of Governors, stating that you wish to make an appeal.  After initial contact with the Chair of Governors, Hamilton’s appeals are administered by the legal team at Buckinghamshire Council.  Further details about appeals are at:


Timetable for Admissions Appeals for entry September 2024
The governors of Hamilton Academy have arranged for the Appeals Team in Legal and Democratic Services of Buckinghamshire County Council to hear admission Appeals. The Appeals Team will arrange for an Independent Appeal Panel (I.A.P.), made up of three people to consider an appeal. Both the Appeals Team and the I.A.P. are independent of the Admission Authority, the Academy Governing Body.


Additional Links




School Admissions


Starting school or moving up to junior school


Moving up to secondary school


Changing school in year


Admissions policies


Find my child a school place


Admissions appeals
